Wednesday, August 29, 2012


It is 6:30 and I am in bed. Teeth brushed, face washed ready for bed. Crazy! I will play on the computer for a bit but if tonight is anything like the last 2 nights I will be asleep by 8:30 at the latest. 

I am so tired! 

My shot hurt very bad tonight for some reason and I cried. Only 4 more weeks to go! Of course it is worth it but it sure is getting old. It's beyond getting old, it's very old. I hate it. I love my little baby already but enough with the needles!

Speaking of baby!?!? Baby! Just saying that is weird...
I was talking to Shaun and realized that as Saturday gets closer, I am getting more and more nervous. I am more nervous for Saturday than I was for the pregnancy test. 

I am scared that when I look up onto the screen, there will not be anything there. :(
No heartbeat, no sac, no baby. 

Lord, help me to trust in you. Take away my fears and my anxiety. I know you are in control and I am excited to see the great things you are going to do in Shaun and I and with our family. 

I pray for this baby all day long and still I can't help but feel fearful that this joy is not going to last. That it is not for me. That maybe I have to endure something else, more, before I will get to really claim the words "I AM PREGNANT." 

Like I said, I am tired, and obviously a bit emotional. 

I will trust in Him. 


Mrs. Denniston said...

Tired is good! :) Praying! :)

Jessica said...

Yay for tired!!!! Tired is GOOOD! :)Praise God for this wonderful time in your life! Praying for you always. So much love! :)